Unique and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023

Unique and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023 4

The 2023 Pre-Season has been coming to the world League of Legends (LMHT) community for nearly 2 weeks.

1. Hecarim the assassin

Hecarim is classified as a Physical Fighter general, taking advantage of a set of skills combined with attacks to continuously deal damage to opponents.

Specifically, Hecarim players will use the equipment combo: Snake Ax + Muramana Divine Sword + Draktharr Night Sword.

Hecarim’s equipment set is very strong when attacking – source: YouTube

Dance of Death will be the next name that needs to be mentioned for Hecarim.

2. New style Ezreal

Ezreal was created by League of Legends players around the world, so the style of using equipment is quite interesting.

If the opponent’s squad does not include many Tank champions, Ezreal will aim for the style: Soul Scythe + Muramana Divine Sword + Draktharr Duskblade + Shojin Spear.

Unique and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023

Ezreal equipment set to confront weak champions – source: Thoai 247

If the opponent’s team has many Tank champions, Ezreal will aim for the style: Soul Scythe + Muramana Divine Sword + Monster Slayer Hook + Navori Short Knife.

Unique and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023

Ezreal equipment set against Tank champions – source: Thoai 247

3. Equip Physical Fighter combined with Adaptive Cover

Recently, the League of Legends community has found a way to build very interesting equipment for Physical Fighters.

According to records from the Korean server, a guy created the style: Sword of Destruction + Adaptive Cover.

Unique and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023

Yasuo used the Sword of Decay and Adaptive Shell very effectively – source: YouTube

Additionally, Renekton can also use Adaptive Shell.

Unique and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023

3 equipment that creates `extreme` power for Renekton – source: Thoai 247

Above are new and effective equipment building styles in Pre-Season 2023. From now on, Vietnamese League of Legends gamers can apply the formula to experience the excitement of this stage.

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