Discovery of the ‘terrorist ape’ – one of the largest apes ever to exist on Earth

Discovery of the 'terrorist ape' - one of the largest apes ever to exist on Earth 2

In the scientific community, there is a lot of debate surrounding the possibility of human evolution from monkeys and apes.

Additionally, we know that today’s apes are not the same as the apes that lived thousands of years ago.

Dinopithecus is an extinct species of giant ape that lived during the Pliocene period in South Africa.

Dinopithecus is also known by another name, `terrorist ape`.

The terror ape is also one of the largest recorded apes in the world.

Although the fossils found of this species are still incomplete, experts were able to determine that this ape was very large.

Their incredible size is the main reason why they are called terror apes.

While working to figure out all the details about Dinopithecus’ appearance and behavior, paleontologists drew comparisons between them and modern-day apes.

Like many modern apes, Dinopithecus is thought to have lived in groups of varying sizes, and these groups probably always moved to different areas in search of food.

Discovery of the 'terrorist ape' - one of the largest apes ever to exist on Earth

Dinopithecus is an extinct genus of very large primates closely related to baboons that lived during the Pliocene to Pleistocene periods of South Africa and Ethiopia.

It is also believed that these apes spent a lot of time in the cave, at least when they were not moving.

Because much is still unknown about these apes, there is no conclusive information about what their diet consists of.

In addition, studies of the dentition of these ancient apes show that their teeth were created for chewing rough foods.

Discovery of the 'terrorist ape' - one of the largest apes ever to exist on Earth

Like modern baboons, Dinopithecus was capable of living in groups that could number up to dozens of individuals.

Further study of their teeth revealed that these apes had a diverse diet, despite having a digestive system that could digest both plants and small animals.

Due to their genetic structure, Dinopithecus had more outstanding features than modern apes.

Most of the time, gibbons eat plants, although they sometimes eat small animals or insects to complete their diet.

However, one thing all apes have in common is that they prefer to live in small families of two to six individuals.

It is believed that Dinopithecus became extinct between 2,580,000 and 11,700 years ago, during the Pleistocene Epoch.

Source: Animalia;

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