America is at risk of becoming the second Italy due to the Covid-19 epidemic

America is at risk of becoming the second Italy due to the Covid-19 epidemic 0

(Dan Tri) – With the rapid increase in infections and deaths from coronavirus, the United States is at risk of becoming the second Italy – which is currently the largest outbreak in Europe.

Medical staff transfer a patient infected with Covid-19 at a hospital in Rome, Italy.

Two weeks ago, keeping a safe distance between people in the US was just a suggestion made to avoid the spread of coronavirus.

Health officials believe that the United States has reached a turning point in the Covid-19 epidemic, and warn that if people do not seriously implement the above orders, the country could face a situation similar to Italy’s current situation.

America is at risk of becoming the second Italy due to the Covid-19 epidemic

Map of the number of infections in US states as of March 16 (Graphic: ABC News)

“We have the same number of infections as Italy did 2 weeks ago.

“We are at an important turning point for the country.

Two weeks ago, Italy only recorded 1,700 cases of corona virus infection and 34 deaths.

On the evening of March 15, the US recorded 3,349 cases of corona virus infection.

Surgeon General Adams said that although the US has made progress in testing suspected Covid-19 cases, an important part of monitoring and controlling the epidemic, will this bring positive results?

A series of epidemic control measures

America is at risk of becoming the second Italy due to the Covid-19 epidemic

Medical staff transferring patients in the US.

The New York City mayor said he will require all bars, restaurants, and cafes to only sell takeout items or use delivery services.

“You have to look at this from a wartime perspective,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said on March 16.

Not only in New York, people across the United States also received similar instructions.

Health officials in the state of Colorado have directed restaurants, bars, gyms, theaters and casinos to close for 30 days.

“Based on the experience of other countries, Washington’s situation and sample data, the sooner we start implementing social distancing measures on a large enough scale, the faster we can contain the infection.

Similar orders were issued in states including Maryland, Kentucky, Louisiana and Indiana.

In San Francisco, Mayor London Breed asked people to stay indoors and only go out when absolutely necessary such as buying things, meeting the police, going to the bank, gas station or pharmacy.

“We understand that these measures will significantly disrupt people’s daily lives, but they are absolutely necessary.

The above instructions were issued on the same day the US federal government announced a set of guidelines for the upcoming 15 days of fighting the epidemic, including the requirement to avoid crowds of more than 10 people.

Increase testing

America is at risk of becoming the second Italy due to the Covid-19 epidemic

Medical staff take samples to test drivers in Denver, Colorado, USA.

President Donald Trump’s administration has been criticized for not providing enough testing kits to control the spread of coronavirus and conducting testing slowly.

US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said there will be 30 to 40 new testing sites operating in 19 states.

However, Brett Giroir, a senior health administration official, said community testing sites are operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and members of the US public health agency,



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