Celebrating her first month’s salary, Mrs. Tan treated her `grandchildren` to a huge tray of steamed crabs with lemongrass, hoping to be her grandchild one day.

Celebrating her first month's salary, Mrs. Tan treated her `grandchildren` to a huge tray of steamed crabs with lemongrass, hoping to be her grandchild one day. 2

Just a few months ago, when mentioning Mrs. Tan, we would certainly fall into a trigram battle when this name was so common and did not evoke any impression.

Perhaps it would be too redundant to recall the records and achievements that Ms. Tan Vlog’s Youtube channel has achieved.

The actual amount of money is unknown, but it seems that Mrs. Tan is quite excited about her first month’s salary, and as evidenced by skipping the normal food items in previous clips, this time Mrs. Tan plays quite well.

According to the sharing, it was because Mrs. Tan was recently given a lot of crabs by a `grandchild` in Hai Phong, up to 50 crabs, so she decided to make a `super huge` tray of crabs steamed with lemongrass to invite her grandchildren.

Celebrating her first month's salary, Mrs. Tan treated her `grandchildren` to a huge tray of steamed crabs with lemongrass, hoping to be her grandchild one day.

There is no need to prepare too elaborately, and as Ms. Tan said, because this crab is expensive, it is very delicious. Her work is also relatively simple and does not take much time to prepare like in previous clips.

Of course, perhaps there’s no need to worry too much about whether Ms. Tan Vlog made that giant crab tray to celebrate her first month’s salary or whether it was convenient because her `nephew` from Hai Phong sent the goods.

Celebrating her first month's salary, Mrs. Tan treated her `grandchildren` to a huge tray of steamed crabs with lemongrass, hoping to be her grandchild one day.

That said, now the young men probably only wish they could be Mrs. Tan’s grandchildren these days.

Celebrating her first month's salary, Mrs. Tan treated her `grandchildren` to a huge tray of steamed crabs with lemongrass, hoping to be her grandchild one day.
Celebrating her first month's salary, Mrs. Tan treated her `grandchildren` to a huge tray of steamed crabs with lemongrass, hoping to be her grandchild one day.

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