Champion of slapping, he suddenly transformed into a hot boy on social networks and Youtube

Champion of slapping, he suddenly transformed into a hot boy on social networks and Youtube 1

That is the story of farmer Vasily Kamotsky in the remote Siberian region of Russia.

It is known that slapping championship competitions are a fairly new curiosity program in Russia and are a place to test endurance and pain tolerance in addition to weightlifting programs.

In addition, this farmer was also quite honest when he said that he was a farmer and had very little contact with the media, so he did not know much about this contest.

Champion of slapping, he suddenly transformed into a hot boy on social networks and Youtube

Recalling that heroic moment, Vasily proudly boasted that the crowd had more than 1,0000 people watching this competition and every one of them seemed extremely excited.

However, as Vasily shared, many comments on YouTube are very negative, most of them criticizing him.

The prize for Vasily is not much, only about 30,000 rubles (equivalent to more than 10 million VND), and even he himself is not sure whether he will continue to participate in the competition in the following seasons or not.

Champion of slapping, he suddenly transformed into a hot boy on social networks and Youtube

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