Delaying the time to fix the problem, the AAG undersea fiber optic cable was just completed on September 11

Delaying the time to fix the problem, the AAG undersea fiber optic cable was just completed on September 11 2

Latest information about the plan to handle and fix the incident that occurred on the morning of August 16, 2019 on the S1H branch cable of the Asia America Gateway – AAG international undersea fiber optic cable line has just been received by a representative of a service provider.

This ISP representative said that according to information from the AAG Sea Cable Operation Center, the time the cable repair ship arrived at the faulty cable location was 5:00 a.m. on September 1, 2019 and the first weld was made at 6:00 a.m. on September 1, 2019.

Also according to the newly updated repair and troubleshooting plan on the AAG submarine cable line, the final weld is expected to be completed at 10:00 a.m. on September 5 and the expected time to complete the power configuration is 1:00 p.m. on September 5.

Notably, in new information shared with ICTnews, the ISP representative also said that another cable branch of the AAG undersea cable line is also having problems, which is the S1G branch.

Expected time for the cable repair ship to reach the error location on the S1G branch of the AAG cable line is 12:00 on September 6, 2019;

Previously, as ICTnews reported, the AAG international undersea fiber optic cable line was determined to have a source detection error on the morning of August 16, 2019 on the S1H branch at a location 124.5 km from the Vung Tau landing station, causing photos.

Assessing the impact of the AAG undersea cable incident on August 16 on Vietnamese Internet service providers and users, Mr. Vu The Binh, General Secretary of the Vietnam Internet Association (

Also in conversation with ICTnews, answering the question of whether there are any other reasons besides the AAG undersea cable incident that occurred on August 16, leading to the quality of Internet service being complained about a lot by users recently.

AAG is a 20,000 km long undersea communications cable system, connecting from Southeast Asia, passing through Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam (landing point in Vung Tau), Brunei, Hong Kong, Philippines to the US.

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