Ending the longest unbeaten streak in history, T1 was advised by the community to `relearn how to pick and ban`

Ending the longest unbeaten streak in history, T1 was advised by the community to `relearn how to pick and ban` 1

Before entering the match against T1, perhaps even the most optimistic fans of Kwangdong Freecs could not believe that this team would be able to win.

But then, only in the first game did T1 show exactly what the audience and experts assessed about them before the match.

In particular, KDF’s mutant picks and bans like Seraphine as main damage or Ornn going Mid were really effective.

– Big victory of KDF.

Ending the longest unbeaten streak in history, T1 was advised by the community to `relearn how to pick and ban`

– All I can look forward to is hearing T1’s record being broken with Ashe as Support and Seraphine as main damage.

– KDF’s superb picks and bans!

There couldn’t be a better scenario than when the team considered T1’s `backyard` defeats themselves.

– Truly a team that no one can imagine!!!

For their part, T1 players can only blame themselves when they had many opportunities to win but missed them all.

– I hope T1 will wake up and relearn how to pick and ban.

– T1’s choices in game 3 really made it so that no one could attack Seraphine except Faker, it’s unbelievable that a professional team could be so unprepared.

Ending the longest unbeaten streak in history, T1 was advised by the community to `relearn how to pick and ban`

– I don’t know what excuse Coach Polt will use this time when in both of T1’s losses, they played on the Blue side.

– T1 is extremely lacking in ideas when it comes to picking and banning.

This victory of KDF not only helps their players gain more confidence for the next journey of the tournament, but also helps LCK become less tasteless and boring when T1 keeps showing its destructive performance.

As for T1, this will be a valuable lesson, helping Faker and his teammates wake up from the victories that have made them `sleep` all this time.

Ending the longest unbeaten streak in history, T1 was advised by the community to `relearn how to pick and ban`

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