Reasons why Ubisoft will never release another game about Prince of Persia

Reasons why Ubisoft will never release another game about Prince of Persia 4

In some ways, Ubisoft today isn’t much different than it was in the 2000s. The company is still relying on various Tom Clancy properties to retain some of its fanbase in shooters.

But the game that Ubisoft promoted heavily in the 2000s called Price of Persia is gradually being forgotten.

So why did Ubisoft abandon one of its most popular franchises, why do we get more games like Hungry Shark World but we don’t get another Prince of Persia game, we

Low sales

There’s a rule that holds true not just for video games, but for any type of business.

The most recent installment, Prince of Persia: The Forgaken Sands, really caused a lot of disappointment in sales.

Bad influence due to failure when adapted into a movie

Reasons why Ubisoft will never release another game about Prince of Persia

If we think a little, we can see that almost every movie adapted from a video game has not achieved much success.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time has enough movie star appeal to be a blockbuster.

The website Rotten Tomatoes has compiled a series of quotes from famous film critics, and almost no one has given this film a single compliment.

After this failure of Prince of Persia: The Sandy of Time, many people said that it seriously damaged the Prince of Persia brand, to the point of being irreparable.

It’s too similar to Assassin’s Creed

Reasons why Ubisoft will never release another game about Prince of Persia

Recent years have witnessed the return and strong development of Assassin’s Creed.

Assassin’s Creed is improving day by day to become an attractive open-world action role-playing game.

Prince of Persia in today’s context would be like Assassin’s Creed but much less attractive.

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