T1 was accused of `mistreating` Faker, all for extremely reprehensible reasons

T1 was accused of `mistreating` Faker, all for extremely reprehensible reasons 1

For normal people, 10 years is a long enough time for a person to have many changes.

2023 will mark the 10th anniversary of Faker’s official debut in the professional arena

Therefore, for many T1 and Faker fans, 2023 must be even more special as this is the 10th anniversary of Faker’s official appearance and stirring up the professional League of Legends scene.

T1 was accused of `mistreating` Faker, all for extremely reprehensible reasons

That is an important milestone not only for Faker but also the entire League of Legends village

Yet, nothing happened.

T1 was accused of `mistreating` Faker, all for extremely reprehensible reasons

According to manager Becker, T1 had too many problems so they didn’t have time to record a commemorative video for Faker

The defense of the T1 leadership team made the team’s and Faker’s fans even more frustrated.

T1 was accused of `mistreating` Faker, all for extremely reprehensible reasons

This makes T1 fans feel extremely frustrated

Obviously, the way T1 `forgot` Faker’s anniversary is extremely confusing.

T1 was accused of `mistreating` Faker, all for extremely reprehensible reasons

According to many opinions, the reason given by the Board of Directors is not reasonable

Faker’s 10th anniversary is truly an important event for League of Legends in particular and Esports in general.

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