The US-North Korea summit in Vietnam raises hope for a peace treaty

The US-North Korea summit in Vietnam raises hope for a peace treaty 0

(Dan Tri) – The two leaders of the US and North Korea could make history if they reach an agreement on a peace treaty during their summit in Vietnam this week.

US and North Korean leaders met in Singapore in 2018. (Photo: Getty)

As speculation focuses on the possibility that President Donald Trump may make a peace declaration and end the Korean War at the second summit with leader Kim Jong-un, experts

“We want denuclearization.

President Trump’s remarks came after the White House issued a statement calling for `promoting peace`, in which the US leader committed to achieving `transformational peace` on the Korean peninsula associated with

In a speech at Stanford University at the end of January, US special envoy for North Korea Steve Biegun said President Trump `committed to permanently ending 70 years of war and hostility on the Korean Peninsula.`

“President Trump is ready to end this war.

Also according to Mr. Biegun, who leads US negotiations with North Korea ahead of the second US-North Korea summit in Vietnam, Washington is even considering `setting necessary conditions for fundamental transformation.`

Declaration of peace

The US-North Korea summit in Vietnam raises hope for a peace treaty

American General W. K. Harrison (left), representative of the United Nations Command, and North Korean General Nam Il signed the armistice agreement after the Korean War at Panmunjom in July 1953.

Technically, North Korea and the US – South Korea are still in a state of war because the sides only signed an armistice agreement, instead of a peace treaty after the Korean War (1950-1953).

A peace declaration, with content officially announcing an end to the war, is said to be one of the moves that President Trump can make at this summit in Hanoi.

An armistice agreement like the 1953 agreement is an official document by the parties committing to stop all military activities in a conflict.

Ken Gause, director of the International Affairs Group at the Center for Naval Analyses, commented that “a peace declaration is something Mr. Trump could propose (to North Korea), depending on how the negotiations progress.

Unlike a peace treaty, a peace declaration is not legally binding.

Dennis Wilder, former senior director for East Asian affairs at the US National Security Council under former President George W. Bush, said that one achievement that both the US and North Korea can achieve is to reduce

“The peace declaration will not have any practical effect unless the parties agree to confidence-building measures, such as transferring large numbers of North Korean artillery batteries in the demilitarized zone (South Korea).

According to expert Gause, although declaring peace to end the war is the first step that can lead to a peace treaty, other important necessary steps also need to be taken before a peace treaty is signed.

The peace treaty also requires the consent of China, one of the signatories to the 1953 armistice agreement with the United States and North Korea.

Historical stepping stone

The US-North Korea summit in Vietnam raises hope for a peace treaty

Leader Kim Jong-un comes to Vietnam to attend the US-North Korea summit.

Expert Wilder said that the birth of a peace treaty `will be a very important decision because this could be the beginning of ending the presence of US military forces on the Korean peninsula.`

According to expert Wilder, a peace treaty cannot immediately lead to the unification of the Korean Peninsula.

“A peace treaty does not necessarily mean rapid progress in the process of reunifying the Korean peninsula.

The path to the goal of signing a peace treaty, starting with a declaration of peace, is a proposal that the US can make and consider this as one of the `corresponding measures` that North Korea often

In a recent speech, special envoy Biegun said Washington is trying to determine what `commensurate measures` North Korea wants from the US so that Pyongyang agrees to disarm its nuclear facilities.

Siegfried Hecker, a leading nuclear scientist at Stanford University and someone who has visited the Yongbyon nuclear facility several times, said the proposal to dismantle the Yongbyon facility at the US-North Korea summit was a “deal.”

“No more Yongbyon, no more plutonium.

Analysts say generations of North Korean leaders have always longed for a peace treaty.

A peace treaty will be a big `boost` for Kim Jong-un’s reputation both domestically and internationally.



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