Things that movies have tricked us into thinking are real!

Things that movies have tricked us into thinking are real! 1

1. Air conditioning ducts are one of the easiest ways to break into buildings

Surely everyone of us has at least once seen Paul Blart: Mall Cop, with our main character being the hero Mall Cop played by Kevin Jame (in both the 2009 and 2015 films).

However, the ventilation routes in reality are not at all the same as what we often see in movies. In large buildings, the air conditioning and ventilation systems may be as large as in the movies, but there are a lot of them.

Furthermore, there is a lot of dirt and debris inside the vent unit, and it can seriously affect your respiratory system, so you may not have a chance to go out if you accidentally get caught.

2. You can run faster than a giant explosion

Things that movies have tricked us into thinking are real!

The `running away from an explosion` scene is always one of the impressive highlights of every action movie.

In real life, explosions often involve explosives such as TNT or C-4.

These air streams engulf the surrounding space in an instant and explode, in a powerful enough explosion it can blow away people, trees, cars and everything else in its path.

So can you outrun an explosion in real life?

3. It only takes a few seconds to knock someone out with a rag soaked in chloroform

Things that movies have tricked us into thinking are real!

A chloroform-soaked rag is a common weapon used in Hollywood movies, and its function is to render a target unconscious or knock a person out in a non-life-threatening way.

A cloth soaked in chloroform was placed over someone’s mouth, and the person lost consciousness within seconds.

In fact, chloroform could be used to knock people unconscious, but it would take at least five minutes from inhaling the substance directly from the sheets.

4. The pin of a grenade can be pulled out with the mouth

Things that movies have tricked us into thinking are real!

We must have seen this scene in many movies, the main character pulls out a grenade, then uses his teeth to pull out its pin and throws it at the enemies rushing towards him.

Although the designs of grenades are different, it is a high-damage weapon, it is not a joke to pull the grenade pin with your teeth.

For example, the Russian F1 grenade requires 17 pounds of force to pull the pin.

5. You will drown if you fall inside a volcano

Things that movies have tricked us into thinking are real!

For those who have watched Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, you probably still remember the final scenes of Gollum, where he was busy running after the ring and was engulfed in a pit of bubbling lava.

However, a person falling into a lava pit is completely different from what is shown in this movie.

In fact, lava is three times denser than water.

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