Why did President Putin change the location of his federal address?

Why did President Putin change the location of his federal address? 0

(Dan Tri) – President Vladimir Putin on March 1 read the federal message at a different location than tradition, ahead of the Russian elections taking place this month.

President Putin read the federal message on March 1 (Photo: Getty)

President Putin on March 1 read the federal address in front of hundreds of officials and parliamentarians with just a few weeks left until the Russian presidential election – a race in which Mr. Putin ran as an independent candidate.

The event on March 1 was the 14th time President Putin read the federal message in front of the two chambers of the National Assembly, government ministers, judges of the constitutional court and the supreme court, and regional officials.

According to TASS, President Putin usually reads the federal message every December at St.

Some observers believe that the fact that Mr. Putin’s federal address is constantly postponed and the timing of the event right before the Russian presidential election (March 18) may be intended to restore

“Even though the federal address was read by (Mr. Putin) in the name of the president, not the presidential candidate, no one can prohibit Mr. Putin from expressing his vision of the future,” Vladimir Slatinov, journalist

“Of course, Mr. Putin cannot take advantage of his official (presidential) position to serve the election campaign.

Why did President Putin change the location of his federal address?

President Putin reads the federal message in front of a large screen showing many graphics and tables (Photo: RT)

Meanwhile, President Putin’s spokesman said that Manezh was chosen as the venue for the federal address reading event because the number of guests this year increased dramatically.

On February 27, presidential candidate Grigory Yavlinsky of the Yabloko party, one of Mr. Putin’s seven opponents, said the Russian leader `choose the time to read the federal address and turn it into a debate speech`.

President Putin has previously refused to participate in televised presidential debates as well as traditional public campaign events.



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