Truth Arena: 3 main forces have extremely high rank point earning rates in version 12.5 that gamers should take advantage of immediately

Truth Arena: 3 main forces have extremely high rank point earning rates in version 12.5 that gamers should take advantage of immediately 2


Easy to play, easy to use, and strong right from the 1-star level are the reasons why Talon is currently one of the strongest carries in the current meta.

Talon’s only weakness probably lies in the fact that this unit must be a VIP to effectively `carry the team`.


With a series of changes to Teamfight Tactics in version 12.5, we can easily see that Riot Games wants to push Gang Gang into a dominant team at the top of the meta.

As a result, Ashe is currently the 2-gold main force with the 2nd highest rate of reaching the top 4 (just behind Talon) with a figure of up to 54.2%.

Truth Arena: 3 main forces have extremely high rank point earning rates in version 12.5 that gamers should take advantage of immediately


Of course, with the rise of Ashe, another Gunner is also `roamed` and that is Jhin.

In addition, Jhin is also an extremely formidable main force in Gunner – Police or Inventor squads, despite the fact that Tech Bear has just been nerfed.

Truth Arena: 3 main forces have extremely high rank point earning rates in version 12.5 that gamers should take advantage of immediately

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