Both long and difficult to remember, why is the password `3sYqo15hiL` used so much?

Both long and difficult to remember, why is the password `3sYqo15hiL` used so much? 3

Despite the recommendations of security experts, the password 123456 still ranks first in terms of user usage – which is understandable – it is too easy to remember and popular.

However, a report analyzing more than 1 million leaked passwords from FTSE100 companies showed a surprise: the password `3sYqo15hiL` is in the top of the most commonly used passwords.

But why has a password as confusing, difficult to remember, and complex as 3sYqo15hiL become so popular?

Digging deeper into this data block, people realized that although it was commonly used, all accounts using 3sYqo15hiL in the leaked data block belonged to Standard Chartered emails (with extension).

Not only that, if you search outside this data block, this strange password also randomly appears more than 8,000 times in other leaked data blocks, and is also related to email addresses.

Analysts ruled out incorrect data insertion as the cause of this.

Therefore, analysts believe that the password 3sYqo15hiL belongs to emails used for spam purposes.

But if you investigate more closely into the domain name, you will see that it belonged to another company until 2009. It is possible that this company allowed users to create such free emails and

Perhaps this is why this odd password 3sYqo15hiL is so commonly used.

Both long and difficult to remember, why is the password `3sYqo15hiL` used so much?

Even though the question of the popularity of this mysterious password has been answered, the duplication and predictability of a large number of passwords that users are using raises another question: Why do apps

A password manager application will automatically generate a unique, complex and random password for each user account, and store them in a securely encrypted database.

Refer to Forbes

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