JackeyLove revealed the amount of income a top player can earn, a number that makes everyone stunned

JackeyLove revealed the amount of income a top player can earn, a number that makes everyone stunned 1

Since professional eSports was formed and developed until now, some countries such as China, Korea and the West have focused on investing heavily in this `smokeless industry`.

Esports in general and League of Legends in particular are getting more and more attention

However, this is also a field with a harsh level of elimination, sometimes even more severe than traditional sports.

JackeyLove revealed the amount of income a top player can earn, a number that makes everyone stunned

But in some countries, Esports has not really been invested in too much

Therefore, the gap between famous players and rookies or mid-range players is extremely large, almost difficult to bridge.

JackeyLove revealed the amount of income a top player can earn, a number that makes everyone stunned

JackeyLove shares the huge disparity between different player classes

Through JackeLove’s sharing, it can be seen that Esports in general and League of Legends in particular are truly a difficult journey for any young person to choose.

JackeyLove revealed the amount of income a top player can earn, a number that makes everyone stunned

CEO Gen.G shared that the team had difficulty finding sponsors

Not to mention, young players have to face the prospect of harsh training, along with injuries.

JackeyLove revealed the amount of income a top player can earn, a number that makes everyone stunned

Nuguri had to end her career early because of health effects and pressure from the audience

No career is easy.

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